Procera AVH promises to reverse 10 to 15 years of memory loss.
How, you ask?
Procera can’t tell you that, that’s a secret, ya goof! LOL smdh! Which isn’t the most appropriate response to a legitimate question such as how does your supplement work? but it’s essentially the one we’re given by Procera’s use of a dosage masking proprietary blend and a reference to a study that arguably doesn’t exist.
To be fair, Procera took down the “reversal” claim, due to a $1.4 million fine handed out by the FTC. And to be even fairer, Procera AVH’s ingredients are individually awesome for cognitive health, particularly in the later years of life.
But how do they work in this formula? Let’s hit the review to find out:
Page Contents
About Procera AVH
- Procera AVH sells itself as the “leading brain health supplement in the U.S.” Strangely, I hear this claim from a lot of different companies.
- The formula is simple, comprised of 3 well-researched nootropics: Acetyl-L-Carnitine (ALCAR), Vinpocetine, & Huperzine-A.
- The Procera name found itself in hot water with the FTC due to deceptive marketing & claims, although that’s since been cleared up. Hopefully.
Procera AVH Ingredients |
Ingredients | Amount Per Serving |
Procera AVH (Proprietary Blend) | 1515 mg |
Acetyl-L-Carnitine HCl, Vinpocetine, Huperzine A (from Huperzia serrata) (Whole Plant, Aerial Parts) |
Serving Size: 3 Capsules
Servings Per Container: 20
Other Ingredients: Vegetable Cellulose Capsule, Microcrystalline Cellulose, Silicon Dioxide, Stearic Acid-Vegetable Source, Magnesium Stearate Vegetable.
Directions: Take three (3) capsules daily.
The ingredients in Procera AVH are hidden in the name: A for ALCAR, V for Vinpocetine, H for Huperzine A. Verrrry clever, guys. But really? Only 3 ingredients? Fortunately, I’m a big fan of two of them, but let’s see how the entire formula stacks up:
Acetyl-L-Carnitine – Over time, the body’s natural carnitine production decreases, contributing to age-related cognitive decline. Supplementing the ALCAR form of carnitine may improve brain chemicals & energy, but only for elderly cognition. More on ALCAR.
The Best ALCAR Supplement
ALCAR is, first and foremost, an energy boosting ingredient. Especially where elderly cognition is concerned, ALCAR enhances mental performance primarily by increasing cellular energy output. However, if you want to get the most out of this ingredient, there are other cellular energy boosters that pair well with it. Performance Lab Energy is a great model formula on how to increase natural brain energy via ingredients such as ALCAR. Here are the contents of the formula:
- ALCAR – antioxidant amino acid that increased mitochondrial energy output.
- R-Lipoic Acid – the “universal antioxidant” that protects mitochondria for better energy efficiency.
- Coenzyme Q10 – antioxidant that facilitates the conversion of food into energy fuel.
- PQQ – complements the other ingredients by stimulating mitochondrial growth.
- Black Pepper Extract – enhances the nutrient absorption of the other ingredients here.
All-in-all, Performance Lab Energy is an impressive brain booster that delivers the benefits of ALCAR and then some. Great for energy levels and cognitive clarity.
To learn more about Performance Lab Energy, click here.
To read my full Performance Lab Energy review, click here.
Vinpocetine – Extracted from periwinkle, vinpocetine is a potent semi-synthetic, enhancing cerebral circulation for a boost on oxygen & nutrient delivery to the brain. More on Vinpocetine.
Huperzine A – Similar to vinpocetine, hup-A is a potent semi-synthetic that’s able to perform in tiny doses. It primarily serves as an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor, enhancing neurotransmitter acetylcholine activity while resisting age-related neurodegeneration. More on Huperzine A.
Procera AVH: Cognitive Restoration

The AVH trio is a smart, simple “brain energy” stack, given (in my humblest opinion) much less credit & recognition than it’s due. Individually, each compound energizes the brain but with different bio-activities:
- ALCAR primes brain cell mitochondrial metabolism.
- Vinpocetine improves fuel delivery to the brain.
- Hup-A enhanced brain cell regeneration.
There’s a word for this.
And that word is: Synergy.
Except there are two problem’s with Procera’s brand of synergy. The first problem being the product’s use of a proprietary blend to hide each ingredient’s individual dosage. Which is somewhat puzzling considering that this trio of ingredients is far from groundbreaking.
Which encompasses the second problem: The AVH trio is in everything.
Not literally “everything,” but it’s found in many manufactured nootropic formulas. I almost come to expect ALCAR, vinpocetine, & hup-A when first glancing at a new product’s Supplement Facts. And many of those products carry AVH in addition to many more nootropics, often for more-or-less the same price as Procera AVH.
Even so, Procera AVH sets itself up as a simple, synergetic stack for older users, or nootropic enthusiasts seeking only AVH compounds.
The FTC’s Problem with Procera
Way back in ye olden times (i.e. 2015), Procera used much bolder claims in its advertising, claiming its formula was “proven” to reverse age-related neurodegeneration, specifically a restoration of 10 to 15 years of memory loss. Procera was never clinically proven to do reverse anything, and the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) knew this, fining the company for $1.4 million. Director of the FTC’s Bureau of Consumer Protection Jessica Rich included in the case a warning, “Be skeptical of ads promising quick and easy cures.”
The Pros
- The AVH trio is a smart and, dare I say it, essential nootropic stack, up there with the likes of caffeine + L-theanine and choline + racetams.
- Despite the proprietary blend, Procera AVH’s dosage is heavy, more than adequately covering these ingredients, two of which require very little in terms of milligrams.
- On that note, the patented prop blend may potentially provide an AVH ratio that’s entirely unique to this formula. A major pro if it works exceptionally well.
The Cons
- The reputation set by Procera’s deceptive claims & ads heavily outweighs Procera’s positive customer reviews, which are somewhat scarce.
- While smart & effective, the AVH trio is by no means a unique concept, found in seemingly every* nootropic formula currently on the market. (*Not really.)
- $39.95 is exceptionally high for these ingredients. I almost suggest building your own AVH stack, assuming Procera’s “secret” AVH ratio isn’t the key “ingredient” here.
- $39.95 for 60 capsules, a 20-day supply
- $2.00 per serving
Who Takes Procera AVH?

Procera AVH is geared primarily towards the 55+ age group, even if Procera doesn’t outright say this. ALCAR, for instance, has only demonstrated cognitive benefits for older users, so younger doods & doodettes may not benefit much by this stack.
On that note, lucid dream seekers may enjoy AVH’s hup-A content. At least one customer review I’ve found mentioned “crazy, vivid dreams” as part of their AVH experience.
Where to Get It
AVH users can buy the supplement directly through the Procera website as well as GNC & Jet. Unfortunately, none of those cheap Amazon prices for this one.
Conclusion: Does Procera AVH Work?
Procera AVH won’t restore 10 to 15 years of memory loss, nor would I necessarily expect it to “work” on younger users’ cognition (at least not to a overtly significant degree). While there’s much to admire about the AVH combo, it’s fairly easy to find in other, better nootropic stacks. And given Procera’s bad reputation, it may be better in general to avoid this supplement manufacturer.
My recommendation: if you really want to get your money’s worth on an effective nootropic stack, check out my “Best Nootropic Supplements to Buy in 2019” list. Likewise, I also have a “Best Energy Supplements to Buy in 2019” that may be of particular interest here.
Final Rating
Formulation Strategy | |
Brainpower Benefits | |
Brain Health Benefits | |
Transparency | |
Quality | |
Value | |
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